Sunday, September 21, 2008

Ridiculously Stupid Things that Make Me Happy

  1. radiator heat
  2. chocolate brownies
  3. Jake and Nevada (both of whom are ridiculously stupid)
  4. drinking a beer, sitting on my porch swing after I've finished cutting the grass
  5. flipping through the new Ikea catalog
  6. socks
  7. organizing things around my house
  8. talking to Guv when I'm bored
  9. making someone smile when you know they don't feel like it
  10. sitting in the dark at the movies with a great big tub of popcorn
  11. Nevada's snoring
  12. The way Jake gets all excited when I bark and growl at him
  13. Sleeping in late, then reading the NYT in bed on Sundays
  14. The first really nice day in Spring
  15. Orange soda on the hottest day in summer
  16. not having to go to the laundromat anymore
  17. when someone does something nice for me for no particular reason
  18. losing myself in writing
  19. my garage door opener
  20. trying out a new recipe

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